In the quiet, unassuming town of Willowbrook, there stands an old, abandoned house, called "Whispering Toys" by people. Once a vibrant place filled with laughter and joy, it now stands in eerie silence, shrouded in mystery. Years ago, within these walls, a tragic event occurred, shrouded in secrecy and fear. A little girl named Maddie, the daughter of the homeowner, was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Since then, the house has been locked up, and strange incidents are reported by those who dare to come near. As you and your friends step into the dim, dusty house, the air feels heavy with tension. Rows of old, forgotten toys are scattered everywhere, their lifeless eyes seeming to follow every movement. You're here to uncover the truth about Maddie's death and escape before the hour is up, but be warned: the house harbors many secrets, and not all wish to be found.
Als je eerder "Rosemary's Toy Store" hebt gespeeld, is deze kamer hetzelfde
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