The Precious Room

The Precious Room

2 - 8 mensen60 minutenMoeilijk
De Precious Room is speciaal omdat je het een of twee keer kunt spelen. Alleen met de juiste antwoorden win je de grote prijs! Dit ontsnappingsspel is alleen beschikbaar in het Engels. Het verhaal gaat over Roxy, die verliefd werd op een man die iets waardevols van haar stal terwijl ze door liefde was verblind. Om erachter te komen wat hij nam, moet je achter alle verborgen deuren zoeken. Pas op, ze is beschermend en boos, als je probeert te stelen wat niet van jou is!
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Over de escape room

The Precious Room is special because you can play it once or twice. But only with the right answers, you will win the big prize! In this room you will not get any hints, clues or tools. You just have to work together and play by all the rules. This escape game is only available in English just to let you know. No worries the English is easy and I have patience so I go slow ;). So what is the story about Roxy, well let me tell you and please don’t forget. A year ago she fell madly in love with the most perfect man she had ever met. It was impossible to steal, behind big walls, in boxes, safes and double locked up at night. But still he stole her most precious thing when she didn’t look, blinded by her love at first sight. To find out what he took you have to look for the answers behind all the hidden doors. Watch your step, she is protective and angry, if you try to steal what is not yours!



Betaald Parkeren


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